The Human Voice
With Carol Mendelsohn & Ethelyn Friend
February 22-23, 2020
The Barrow Group, NYC
An intensive weekend in the extended vocal tradition of Roy Hart Theatre. Carol and Ethelyn bring together their complementary passions and 25 years of experience working together in this life-giving work of excavating the human voice.
Carol Mendelsohn, voice performer and actress, has been a Roy Hart Voice teacher since 1986, and a sought-after guest artist with numerous MFA Theatre programs throughout the US (Yale, Brandeis University, Univ. Of Delaware, Naropa University, Asolo Conservatory.) Born in the United States, her parents were German Jews who found refuge in the U.S. Looking for her Jewish identity while living in Israel, she met the Roy Hart Theatre and soon moved to France to continue the work. Theatre is her passion along with the training of new Roy Hart Theatre Voice teachers. She has lived and worked at Roy Hart Center in Malérargues for 33 years.
Please contact Ethelyn here to register
Extended Body/Extended Voice
With Erika Berland & Ethelyn Friend
March 6-8, 2020
Return to the state where there was no separation between the body and the voice. Experience your developmental movement heritage and reconnect to the power of preverbal expression.
Since 2004 Erika and Ethelyn have been developing and teaching a comprehensive two-year curriculum integrating somatic training and extended voice work in the tradition of Roy Hart Theatre for the MFA Theater: Contemporary Performance Program at Naropa University. This weekend workshop will offer an overview and demonstration of their findings and lead participants to experience the loop of inner sensing to outer expression through vocal explorations grounded in BMC methodologies.

Erika Berland (​ is a dancer, performer, Certified Practitioner of Body-MindCentering® and licensed massage therapist.
A senior teacher and meditation instructor in the Shambhala Buddhist tradition, her work incorporates contemplative training with performance and physical technique. Her first book, Sitting: The Physical Art of Meditation was published in 2017.
Her work on somatics and performance training has appeared in Movement for Actors (Allworth Press) and the soon to be published, Physical Dramaturgy (Routledge)
Please contact Ethelyn here To REGISTER